VMware NSX, Cisco ACI or Standard-Based EVPN

Overall rating: 4.73 Instructor: 4.86 Materials: 4.77 more …

Are you building a new data center fabric? Are you trying to decide whether to use VMware NSX or Cisco ACI? How about using EVPN solution from Arista, Brocade, Cisco, Cumulus Networks, Juniper or someone else? Can you use whitebox switches with VMware NSX? Does it make sense to run VMware NSX on top of Cisco ACI? This fast-paced webinar will give you an overview of these solutions and underlying technologies, and detail the planning and design options you'll face while deploying them in your environment.


This webinar is part of Software-Defined Data Centers (SDDC) roadmap and accessible with standard subscription

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Topics Covered

The webinar covers these major topics:

  • What do you really need – an overview of virtual and physical network services your data center fabric should provide, including physical transport infrastructure, virtual networks, and security services like microsegmentation;
  • What do various products do? – An overview of what VMware NSX, Cisco ACI or a standard-based EVPN solution from Arista, Brocade, Cisco, Cumulus Networks or Juniper provides.
  • How could I implement various network services with these products?
  • How will my virtualized workload interact with the outside world? How will the VMs communicate with bare-metal servers?
  • How can I reduce the size of failure domains in my data center?
  • Can I use these products to build multi-pod or multi-DC environments?
  • Can I deploy containers using Kubernetes or Docker on top of these products?
  • How can I integrate these products with public cloud environments? Does that make sense?


This webinar will help you:

  • Identify the features offered by VMware NSX, Cisco ACI and EVPN-based data center fabrics from major data center vendors;
  • Identify the products suitable for your environment based on the environment’s complexity, desired level of automation and self-service, and existing virtualization infrastructure;
  • Integrate products from multiple vendors into an optimal data center infrastructure.


This webinar is also offered as a 1 day on-site workshop. The workshop can be extended by in-depth technical details or discussions of customer’s specific design challenges.

Happy Campers

About the webinar

Excellent content, and clear explanations. Make sure you have some previous knowledge, to take the most out of Ivan's sessions.
José Campos
The high rating is in part because our data center is up for a major refresh and independent of the answers, it is very useful to have the questions.
Jim Warner
The webinar provides a thorough and impartial view on a very contentious topic.
Leendert van den Dool
a great start webinar to learn the basics.
Gabriel Sulbaran
Covered all the views of the network:
1. Topological
2. Traffic
3. SW-Protocol

Great Job
Vito Leggio
The session covered aspects which are not pointed out by vendors. It is always a great reference out there as all vendors have the tendency to talk about technologies with new fancy names and they can’t see the forest for the threes.

About the instructor

The best instructor i ve ever had
Only one word about the instructor: I trust him

About the materials

Thanks for the additional EVPN part!
Jakub Hajek
Nice job
Vito Leggio
I'm looking forward to attending new sessions


Ivan PepelnjakIvan Pepelnjak, CCIE#1354 Emeritus, is an independent network architect, book author, blogger and regular speaker at industry events like Interop, RIPE and regional NOG meetings. He has been designing and implementing large-scale service provider and enterprise networks since 1990, and is currently using his expertise to help multinational enterprises and large cloud- and service providers design next-generation data center and cloud infrastructure using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) approaches and technologies.

Ivan is the author of several books covering data center technologies, highly praised webinars, and dozens of data center and cloud-related technical articles published on his blog.

More about Ivan Pepelnjak

Mitja RobasMitja Robas is a data center expert, with more than fifteen years of experience in designing, implementing and supporting high-demand data centers, and complex networks and virtualization solutions deployed all over the world. Apart from field and consulting engineer role, he acts also as an instructor and content developer for specialized courses and workshops, sharing his knowledge with engineers around the world. Recently he's been focusing on all-flash storage, HCI, SDN, automation and cloud computing, exercising his curiosity in testing and analyzing those solutions.