
Are you trying to understand the implications of Software Defined Networking, Intent-Based Networking, whitebox switching, and the underlying technologies? Want to automate your network but don’t know how to start? Migrating to a public cloud environment? Are you a traditional networking engineer entering data center networking or moving from routing and switching into server and network virtualization? Are you planning IPv6 deployment or building a new private or public cloud? Replacing traditional VPNs with DMVPN or enterprise-owned MPLS/VPN?

You came to the right place – offers numerous online courses, webinars and workshops that help networking engineers master emerging technologies like SDN and network automation, or extend their knowledge into data center- and cloud infrastructure.

Delivery Options

You can start your journey with webinars conveniently bundled into Standard subscription… but keep in mind that watching a webinar is not much different from reading a book – you’re on your own.

The one-way delivery mechanism limits what we can cover in webinars - they focus on how networking technologies work and often include configuration examples and best practices.

Instructor-led online courses add interactive sessions, guest speakers, peer support, mentoring, hands-on exercises, design work, and working in virtual teams – ideal for a senior engineer or architect who wants to quickly grasp new technologies but cannot afford several weeks of onsite training.

Live instructor-led online courses allows us to focus on architecture- and design aspects. You’ll study the technologies covered in the courses on your own (all courses include dozens of hours of self-study materials) and we’ll do extensive whiteboarding during the live sessions to discuss solution architectures and design options.

Self-paced courses are a hybrid between live courses and webinars - while studying on your own, you’ll use our Slack team to discuss challenges you encounter while progressing through the course.

We can make classroom workshops even more interactive than online courses, and add extensive live discussions and whiteboarding… but they’re expensive to organize, so we do only a few of them each year.

Finally, we can organize a customized on-site event for your team.


Webinars and workshops offered by cover these technologies:

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